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While we offer many surgical options, we understand that the non-surgical route may be a better fit for many people and their lifestyle. 


DME enables people to enjoy all of life's fun activities again by using medical technology to alleviate pain and prevent further injury. From bracing for osteoarthritis, to ACL stabilization after surgery, we have state of the art equipment and services to get you moving comfortably again.

We custom fit you for any durable medical equipment that you may need in order to live a more comfortable lifestyle without undergoing orthopedic surgery. Whether it's braces, slings or stabilization pieces, we have trained technicians here ready to help you.


Based on your insurance, DME may or may not be covered. We will work with you to develop the best solution for your unique situation.

»  Knee braces

»  Foot & Ankle braces

»  Hip braces

»  Carpal tunnel supports

»  Back supports

»  Cervical collars

»  Elbow orthotics

»  Aircast walking boot

»  Shoulder slings

»  Icewraps for post-op recovery

»  Crutches

»  Canes


Orthotic shoe devices are molded pieces of rubber, leather, metal, plastic or other synthetic material that are inserted into a shoe. Here at OPA, we prefer to use carbon inserts because they are lightweight and breathable, while still providing plenty of support and limiting the range of motion in your foot. These prevent you from bending the foot too much, as this is commonly linked to osteoarthritis. While we have a wide range of orthotics to choose from, we also have the resources to get you custom-fit insoles should you need them.

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