The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a portion of the patient's own blood having a platelet concentration above baseline is used to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints and can be applied to various musculoskeletal problems.
Many famous athletes — Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal and several others — have received PRP for various problems such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. These types of conditions have typically been treated with medications, physical therapy or even surgery. Some athletes have credited PRP with their ability to return more quickly to competition.
The healing effects of platelet-rich plasma are caused by growth factors released from the platelets, which may induce a healing response. We have many sports medicine physicians trained in this procedure to better serve you.
The science behind PRP is based on the fact that the platelet-rich surface layer is rich in various growth factors and healing cytokines. These go to work on damaged tissue to assist in healing.
The procedure is most often performed on partial tears in the Achilles Tendon and rotator cuff tendon tears in the shoulder as well as osteoarthritis of knees and hips, often using ultrasound guidance. PRP is done under sterile conditions in the office and must be arranged ahead of time. Feel free to discuss this procedure with any of our physicians or therapists and we can help you decide if it would be effective for your condition.
*Please note: PRP is often not a covered benefit under most insurance plans. We will work with you to provide a fair out of pocket price prior to treatment.
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