The Road to Recovery: A Testimonial Written by a Young Athlete
One of Dr. Ed Khalfayan's patients, Kyle, refused to let injuries get in the way of his hopes for a future in baseball. The beginning of Kyle and Dr. Khalfayan's friendship started when Kyle tore his labrum, and realized there was nobody better to repair it than the Mariners' head team physician. However, their journey together didn't end there. Take a look at this amazing testimony written by Kyle himself!
"Throughout my young career in sports I hardly ever found myself injured or even hurt for that matter. Until the competitive level of college baseball came around and I found myself sidelined for the early parts of my collegiate career.
In 2015, my freshman year of college, a ball was hit hard up the middle, I dove for it, and right when I hit the ground I knew something was wrong with my shoulder. I stood up and winced off the field with sad thoughts of my baseball journey coming to an end. I ended up tearing my labrum in my left shoulder, medical redshirting and losing my athletic scholarship. Once we figured out surgery was a must there was no question in my mind that I wanted nobody other than Dr. Edward Khalfayan to do my surgery. OPA Ortho took my family and me in with open arms and Dr. Khalfayan had me back on the field in what he told me was record time. We would always joke at my appointments on how I was the poster child for labrum recovery but I give 100% credit to Dr. Khalfayan because if it wasn’t for him I might not have had the chance to pursue a dream of playing college baseball.
After a speedy recovery I moved home and played baseball at Skagit Valley College for the 2016 season where I helped my team win a division championship and was nominated for the All-Pac Gold Glove Award.
Just when things were looking up for me they took a turn for the worst. During the summer break I was wake boarding like I do every year and took a bad fall which resulted in a torn ACL, MCL, and Meniscus in my left knee. This injury unfortunately ended my baseball career because I just simply couldn’t continue to do this to my body for this was going to be my third surgery in 3 years. With that being sad, without question we had Dr. Khalfayan do my knee surgery. My surgery was in September of 2016 and I have been back to full activity for a couple months now which includes rec softball, working out and even back to doing watersports.
For anybody that has to make the tough decision about choosing the right doctor I highly recommend Dr. Khalfayan.
I have nothing but fantastic things to say about Dr. Khalfayan and the whole OPA Ortho crew. Thank you very much; I can’t display my gratitude enough for how much you guys have positively affected my life.
Thank you,
For more information on Dr. Khalfayan please visit his personal page, here.
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